A great way to learn more about PEP Housing and our work is through our annual reports. Please feel free to download and review our annual reports:

Petaluma Senior Center

The Petaluma Senior Center is the ultimate contact for senior services. Contact the Petaluma Senior Center for resources regarding in-home services, food, elder abuse information, adult care, legal assistance, and veteran services.

Sonoma County Area Agency on Aging - Senior Resource Guide

To get the latest version of the “Sonoma County Senior Resource Guide” follow the link above. “The guide provides basic information on senior services and is an essential resource for seniors, people with disabilities, caregivers, and adult children seeking services for older adults in Sonoma County.”

Sonoma County Affordable Housing Inventory

The Sonoma County Affordable Housing Inventory is a list off all the affordable housing projects in Sonoma County; including senior, all ages and special needs housing.

The inventory includes the following PEP Housing properties: Casa Grande Senior Apartments, Caulfield Lane Senior Apartmetns, Daniel Drive Senior Apartments, Edith Street Senior Apartments, R.S. Lieb Senior Apartments, Lindberg Lane Senior Apartments, Mountain View Senior Apartments, 575 & 579 Vallejo Street Senior Apartments, and 231 & 154 Fisher Senior Apartments, Kellgren Senior Apartments and Acacia Lane Senior Apartments.

New List of Senior Discounts

The above “List of Senior Discounts” includes special prices for seniors at restaurants, barber shops, and retail stores.

The Housing Development Training Institute

The Housing Development Training Institute offers specialized training in housing development for Project Managers. PEP Housing’s Executive Director, Mary Stompe is a graduate of the Institute’s Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC). For more information on this program use the link above.

Brad's Deals

100+ stores and restaurants with discounts for seniors